Sunday 5 June 2011

My Little Story

Everyday a man would carry to the river a set of pots in his cart, to help him transport water. All the pots were brightly painted and sturdy, except for one little cracked pot.
The cracked pot would try its best to hold in the water, so that the man would be proud of it, but to no avail, for on the way back from the river, water would drip from the pot into the ground.
The other pots knew that this little pot was different from them and refused to treat it with respect. Soon the little pot began to doubt itself and asked the man,
“I am a cracked pot, try as I might I cannot hold on to the water inside, why then do you still take me every day and fill me with water?”
The man answered to all the pots. “This little cracked pot deserves more respect from all of you. While you merely transport water, I can replace you at any time, but look below, I have planted little flowers all the way from my home to the river. When I fill this cracked pot with water, the water drips down, falling on the dry earth and making the plants grow.”
The other pots were silent.
Let's ask ourselves - do we take every opportunity to acknowledge and respect the difference?
So let us try to respect and appreciate the differences of all that we meet.


  1. hey nice...something different...i wud like to share some points here, if m wrong pls do correct me...every human being r not perfect but dey shud learn to accept themselves in wateva way dey is ntg to b shamed of n we shud proud of ourselves...

  2. We should not criticize others even if they have faults of some kind. It is because they will be dejected upon hearing such derogatory comments and next we don't know whether that is really a fault or our own comparison with the next, which no more than our ego. Is it not a heinous act to do violence on them as it is also a kind of moral violence ? I think we should help and motivate others in spite of fault finding and backbiting others.
