Tuesday 7 June 2011

A Path Of Sacrifice...

"I am willing to give up everything", said the prince to the master. "Please accept me as your disciple."

"How does a man choose his path?" asked the master.

"Through sacrifice," answered the prince. "A path which demands sacrifice, is a true path."

The master bumped into some shelves. A precious vase fell, and the prince threw himself down in order to grab hold of it. He fell badly and broke his arm, but managed to save the vase.

"What is the greater sacrifice: to watch the vase smash, or break one's arm in order to save it?" asked the master.

"I do not know," said the prince.

"Then how can you guide your choice for sacrifice? The true path is chosen by our ability to love it, not to suffer for it."


  1. The definition of sacrifice illustrated through the interaction between a prince-disciple and his master is really worth assimilating in our life. The invaluable moral/lesson mentioned in the final paragraph is the jest to be understood and realized if you crave for being a genuine disciple in your life.

    There is no atom of doubt that the true path is chosen by our ability to love sacrifice, but not to suffer for the sacrifice. Wow ! What an excellent illustration and sense of sacrifice ! I am really impressed with it.

  2. Nicely illustrated! and commented! this's not just
    some three or four paragraphs of
    writting, this is the issue what ordinary people can't know even after their
    lifetime experiment.

  3. is pic me aisa lg rha hai krishna radha ji se kch kehne ja rhe hai ...... hai na ??

  4. yes Parul... u r rite... can u imagine, what Thakurji going to say?
